Our Goal

Our award-winning team of journalists and data analysts are experts in strategic communication and provide highly targeted strategies and support to optimise and grow your online reputation. We help expand your sphere of influence & make authentic connections across LinkedIn or your chosen social media platform. We work with purpose-led entrepreneurs, senior executives, and leading companies across a diverse range of sectors. Our mission is to empower people and companies making a difference.









Build your network and win new business

Whether you want to grow your business, retain the best staff or even attract investment; having a strong digital presence is essential.

By creating consistent, credible and authoritative content, we can showcase your industry knowledge on LInkedIn and other platforms.

Our goal is to make your online brand more visible by helping you index higher for topics you want to be recognised for.

We help strengthen your position as a thought leader and develop campaigns which focus on issues and solutions of direct interest to your target audience. This way you can leverage your network to cement existing client relationships and develop new opportunities.



Whether you want the Jump Start, Executive or The Works, we have tailored packages to suit your needs. Our service includes weekly consultations, comprehensive LinkedIn reviews, strategy advice and reports - to grow your brand.


From creating and executing thought leadership campaigns, we handle every step of the process. We provide bespoke content
solutions designed to make an impact. We help people and companies lead the conversation with powerful content.


Our workshops are designed to help build your brand. As specialists in LinkedIn, we help companies upskill staff on social media and help equip them with the confidence to produce more engaging content across multiple platforms.


Understanding your target audience is essential. That is why we work with you to deliver data-driven insights aimed at your business and customers. This ensures your marketing strategy delivers optimal results.




CEO, Camp Quality & Author

“Robyn Foyster is a well-respected and award-winning Journalist and Editor who was previously Editor-in-Chief of The Australian Women’s Weekly and publisher of Woman’s Day, Good Health, Harper’s BAZAAR, Madison and Cosmopolitan. Robyn has built an independent publishing company encompassing three successful sites.

All of them have earned a solid reputation in the industry for producing a wealth of original content and stories, with a focus on public interest journalism.

Robyn has a true entrepreneurial spirit, having launched multiple tech and media businesses."



CEO, NewDirection Care

“NewDirection Care is on a mission to disrupt the way aged care services are provided in Australia, an industry that has operated in the same way for decades.
Robyn and her team at InProfile have helped us share the story of our world first microtown model in Bellmere, Queensland with great success.”

TV, magazine, radio and digital coverage.
The creation of Unsung Heroes magazine, sharing the inspiring stories of residents and staff.
Wrote the winning submissions for two prestigious 2021 innovAGEING Age Awards including Services Innovator of The Year.
Provide full social media service across LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.



International Film Director

“InProfile did a brilliant job launching my latest documentary, Changing Ocean Asia. They have helped me find my voice in the climate – sustainability sector, and to feel confident in media profile interviews. They have built and developed my brand as a thought leader in the Climate-Sustainability space both locally and internationally. As a result I have achieved national media coverage, paid speaking events and my LinkedIn engagement has grown significantly.

Through their LinkedIn support, my personal brand has grown massively, and I've had very positive feedback from everything they have done. The InProfile Agency has provided excellent strategic advice and they have been highly professional to deal with and provided monthly reports. They have truly helped me find my voice. I would not hesitate recommending them."

Grown engagement on LinkedIn and provided media coverage across high quality digital sites and upcoming magazines and TV shows. Organised paid speaking roles, Podcasts and webinars.



& Author

"InProfile was responsible for launching my first novel, A River Divided. They believed the eco-fiction message of the novel and transmitted their enthusiasm to the journalists. As though by magic, they organized for me two hour-long interviews with national programs of the ABC as well as the podcasts of Sara Wilson’s “Wild” and Osher Günsberg’s “Better than Yesterday.” Further, they made my novel appear in glossy magazines such as Signature and organized presentations to bookshops, book clubs and libraries. Now they are organizing the audio book with the same commitment. I could not imagine anyone could have done more for my novel than what InProfile has done."

National coverage in print and radio. From multiple interviews on the ABC including Conversations, podcasts such as Wild with Sarah Wilson and Osher Günsberg's popular series Better Than Yesterday to reviews in glossy magazines such as Signature.
Organised events, book club meetings and speaking engagements in libraries and book shops. Created A River Divided's social media assets and worked on developing the audio version of the book.

